SEMA Virtual Education

WTSBC Coffee & Conversation Series (April 2024 Event)

Connect with professionals from throughout the industry and grow your network as the SEMA Wheel, Tire, Suspension, & Brake Council (WTSBC) kicks off a monthly “Coffee & Conversation” series! 

During the third of seven sessions, you’ll introduce yourself and engage with other aftermarket professionals as you talk about the hottest issues and business opportunities. Meet other WTSBC members, learn about their expertise and backgrounds, industry wins and challenges, and create valuable relationships with professionals who can potentially become new business partners or customers. 

A discussion topic will be introduced to start the conversation; however, you are encouraged to bring a topic of your own that impacts your business personally and encourages open conversation for the benefit of the group. Manufacturers, service providers, distributors, dealer, installers, and media are all encouraged to attend.


2024 WTC Coffee & Conversation Series (April Event)
04/04/2024 at 9:00 AM (PDT)  |  45 minutes
04/04/2024 at 9:00 AM (PDT)  |  45 minutes LOGIN and register to join the session. One hour prior to going live, click “EARLY LOGIN IS OPEN” to join the ZOOM waiting room.