SEMA Virtual Education

Inside the Shop with Dave Kindig

  • Registration Closed

Listen to Dave Kindig discuss his expertise and experiences as a world-class builder. Be entertained by his storytelling and get an up-close perspective of what drives his passion and success.

Dave Kindig


Kindig-It Design

Dave Kindig is a self-taught entrepreneur and owner of Kindig-It Design, a one stop, complete custom shop where autos are turned into spectacular works of art.  Host of the MotorTrend series, Bitchin’ Rides, Kindig and crew turn out some of the most creative, one-of-a-kind vehicles on the planet.


Inside the Shop with Dave Kindig
06/19/2024 at 10:00 AM (PDT)  |  60 minutes
06/19/2024 at 10:00 AM (PDT)  |  60 minutes LOGIN and register to join the session. One hour prior to going live, click “EARLY LOGIN IS OPEN” to join the ZOOM waiting room.