EV Tires and Realistic Expectations for your Customers of EV Tires, presented by the WTC
Recorded On: 04/27/2023
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There’s a lot to know about the difference between electric vehicle (EV) tires and tires made for traditional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles.
During this webinar, four EV and tire experts will break down the design differences between ICE vs EV tires, the life wear of EV tires, and what customers should expect when purchasing EV tires vs tires for ICE vehicles, including price ranges and more.
You’ll hear from Karen Salvaggio, VP of Business Development at Scorpion EV; Brenton Murray, Founder and CEO of Electruck424.com; John McDonough, Senior Product Manager, Competition & Specialty Tires at Mickey Thompson; Gary Ruede, Product and Quality Management Technologist at Discount Tire; and Tyson Boyer, Senior Director of Sales, Key Accounts, Dill Air Valves, who will serve as moderator.
By the time you leave, you’ll know how EV tires are transforming electric mobility as we know it, and what to expect from EV tires now and into the future.

John McDonough
Senior Product Manager, Competition & Specialty Tires
Mickey Thompson Tires
4 years of technical experience in testing, design and manufacturing. Currently working on expanding and developing skill sets applicable to multiple industries as well as preparing myself for the right opportunity.

Brenton Murray
Founder and CEO
Brenton Murray began his career in the aftermarket at Baer Brake Systems. Following an MBA in sustainability, he spent ten years as an early employee at EV OEMs like Tesla and Rivian. During that time, he fulfilled a variety of roles, ultimately supporting the launch of six new vehicle models and numerous software platforms. In 2022, Brenton founded Electruck4x4.com, the world's first online store to cater specifically to electric truck and SUV owners and maker of the Megawatt™ line of EV accessories.
Gary Ruede
Supervisor Technical
Discount Tire
Gary is a Quality & Technical expert that has years of experience in the technical, testing and dissecting specs of anything involving the tire and wheel.

Karen Salvaggio
VP of Business Development
Scorpion EV
Karen Salvaggio brings a wealth of motorsports, education,and leadership experience to any project. A military veteran and mastermechanic, Karen served in the U.S. Air Force as a crew chief on B-52 and KC-135aircraft. After nine successful years, she left the military, and secured heradvanced education.
A gearhead at heart, Karen began her career in automotive andmotorsports while still in the military. Today she serves as the VP ofBusiness Development for Scorpion-EV, a company that engineers and builds EVpowered MKIV Cobra Roadsters (Factory Five Racing platform) based on the TeslaModel S.
She holds bachelors, masters, and doctoral degrees, andhas extensive experience in finance, operations and organizational leadership.Following military service, Karen pursued a career in public education. Herdistinguished service spanned more than 25 years, serving in every role fromclassroom teacher to her final role as superintendent of schools.
Karen recognized her passion for motorsports at an early ageand built her first racecar at the age of 22. When she wasn’t working inschools, she was competing and instructor driving. She holds multiple trackrecords, earning seven racing championships, and securing more than 200 ontrack victories.
Today Karen competes in vintage racing events In the DaytonaCobra Coupe tribute racecar which she built. She mentors aspiring race cardrivers and is active in the automotive aftermarket industry where shecurrently serves on the Emerging Trends and Technology Network (ETTN). She alsoserved as a SEMA SBN council member, where she was Crew Chief on the SEMAMustang Build Powered by Women. She's been featured in the Wall Street Journal,and built cars on the Detroit Muscle and All Girls Garage car shows airing on NBC,CBS and Velocity networks.